Delegates Day of Sharing (Hybrid)
Saturday, March 2, 2024
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
In-person location:
SUNY Westchester Comm. College
Student Center Building
75 Grasslands Road
Valhalla, NY 10595
Brooklyn County has a bus to all SENY Assemblies at Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Rd, parking lot 8, Valhalla, NY 10595.
We leave & return to Brooklyn Academy of Music, 30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217 We leave at 7:30 am. We will leave Westchester about 3-3:30pm to returning to BAM around 5pm. If you want to join us to for the assembly in person, be at BAM before 7:30am. there is also a stop at St Agnes Church, 143 East 43rd St, Manhattan, 10017 around 7:50 am. It is a suggested contribution of $10, which your group should reimburse you for. We Leave On Time
Virtual login:
Zoom ID: 826 9428 3349 Passcode: 578214
Join Zoom Meeting
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,82694283349#,,,,*578214# US
+16465588656,,82694283349#,,,,*578214# US (New York)
District 401, 403 and 411:
This Cluster meets in-person on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 12pm.
103 Quincy Street
Brooklyn, NY 11238
*Accessibility: this meeting is held in the basement. Masks are encouraged but not required.
6:30 PM: New GSR Orientation
7:30 – 9:30 PM Business Meeting
Zoom ID: 961 9888 5103 Passcode: 069497
April 6 10am-3pm (service workshop at 9:30am) area assembly. Hybrid. Location TBD. Pre conference assembly
Bus To The Pre-ConferenceAssembly This Saturday |
Saturday, April 6, 2024 Meeting ID: 892 9245 1036 Passcode: 113229 Dial-in #: 646.558.8656 In-person location: Parking: Parking Lot No. 8 |