Cluster Meeting for Districts 401, 410, & 411
Saturday April 17th Noon
Zoom ID 745 850 7501
Password: cluster
Also we are meeting same months as the Brooklyn county meetings and not conflicting with the assemblies.
June 19th
September 18th
November 20th
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District 410 meets every second Wednesday of the month from 6:45-7:15pm Meeting ID: 811 9609 0029 Passcode: 410 Upcoming Meetings: Wednesday February 10th 6:45-7:15pm Wednesday March 10th 6:45-7:15pm Wednesday April 14th 6:45-7:15pm Wednesday May 12th 6:45-7:15pm Wednesday June 9th 6:45-7:15pm In service, DCM 410
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>>>>> >>>>> DOWNLOAD FLYER HERE <<<<< <<<<<
District 410 meets every second Wednesday of the month from 6:45-7:15pm Meeting ID: 811 9609 0029 Passcode: 410 Upcoming Meetings: Wednesday February 10th 6:45-7:15pm Wednesday March 10th 6:45-7:15pm Wednesday April 14th 6:45-7:15pm Wednesday May 12th 6:45-7:15pm Wednesday June 9th 6:45-7:15pm In service, DCM 410
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Now on Zoom!
Meeting ID 828 3147 4891
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6:30 pm: Open forum for new and existing GSRs and DCMs to ask questions and have discussions about their service commitment and general service.
7:30 pm: General Meeting
Cluster Meeting for Districts 401, 410, & 411
Saturday April 17th Noon
Zoom ID 745 850 7501
Password: cluster
Also we are meeting same months as the Brooklyn county meetings and not conflicting with the assemblies.
June 19th
September 18th
November 20th