*New Men’s Meeting!*

Join Us Tuesdays 7:00 PM
at Christ Church Cobble Hill
326 Clinton St.
(corner of Kane)
* You don’t have to be a dad to attend …
*New Men’s Meeting!*

Join Us Tuesdays 7:00 PM
at Christ Church Cobble Hill
326 Clinton St.
(corner of Kane)
* You don’t have to be a dad to attend …
*New Men’s Meeting!*

Join Us Tuesdays 7:00 PM
at Christ Church Cobble Hill
326 Clinton St.
(corner of Kane)
* You don’t have to be a dad to attend …
*New Men’s Meeting!*

Join Us Tuesdays 7:00 PM
at Christ Church Cobble Hill
326 Clinton St.
(corner of Kane)
* You don’t have to be a dad to attend …
*New Men’s Meeting!*

Join Us Tuesdays 7:00 PM
at Christ Church Cobble Hill
326 Clinton St.
(corner of Kane)
* You don’t have to be a dad to attend …
Slope Open Discussion
Group Anniversary
Potluck Dinner
(contributions welcome)
DJ and Dancing!
Saturday February 29th
7:00 – 11:00 PM
Greenwood Baptist Church
7th Ave. & 6th St.
(across from B & N)
Park Slope ~ Brooklyn
All Are Welcome!

18th Group Anniversary POSTPONED
What’s a service fair?
A service fair is an opportunity to hear about various service positions such as GSR, DCM, County Standing Committee, DCMC, and Area Standing Committee to name a few.
We hope to take some of the mystery and any anxiety our of service position you are considering in your sobriety journey/
// Sunday Oct 11th
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM //
Meeting ID
Password: service
Brought to you by Brooklyn county
“Our society is blessed with any amount of real leadership – the active people of today and the potential leaders tomorrow as each new generatipn of able members swarms in. Dedication, stability, vision and special skills make them capable of deal with every possible service assignment. We have only to seek these folks out and trust them to serve us. ”
Excerpt from Leadership in A.A.” Ever a Vital Need. Concept 10, The A.A. Service Manual
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