Meeting ID: 860 4682 7428 Passcode: 447771
Dial-in #: 646.558.8656
In-person location:
SUNY Westchester Community College
Student Center Building
75 Grasslands Road
Valhalla, NY 10595
Parking: Parking Lot No. 8
If you want to attend the SENY Assembly this Saturday, November 11th in person there is a bus leaving from the Brooklyn Academy of Music at 7:30 am sharp. It is a suggested contribution of $10 which your group should reimburse you.
District 401, 403 and 411:
This Cluster meets in-person on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 12pm.
103 Quincy Street
Brooklyn, NY 11238
*Accessibility: this meeting is held in the basement. Masks are encouraged but not required.
New GSR orientation; 6:30 PM
Business Meeting 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Zoom ID: 961 9888 5103 Passcode: 069497
In-person: First Unitarian Church, 121 Pierrepont Street (cor. Monroe Ct.), Brooklyn, NY 11201
6:30 PM: New GSR Orientation
7:30 – 9:30 PM Business Meeting
Zoom ID: 961 9888 5103 Passcode: 069497
GSRs in District 412 please join us Sunday, November 19th at 6:15pm on Zoom for a meeting to discuss electing a DCM. If you have never been a to a district meeting or don’t know what a DCM is we will explain it all. If you are an experienced GSR please consider standing for DCM. Also please reach out to any past DCMs that may return to service. If you have any questions please contact Tracey O at 646 228 8177 or email
Zoom ID: 961 9888 5103